Acupuncture & Traditional Asian Medicine
Before your appointment
Complete any forms.
Understand the 24hr cancellation/reschedule policy.
Eat a meal at least 30 minutes before your appointment.
Arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time to relax and get settled.
Have an open mind and be ready to fully engage in your healthcare.
During your appointment
Get comfortable, take off your shoes.
Be ready to chat and be asked personal questions about your body and daily habits.
Be prepared to laugh!
We will look at your tongue and also feel your pulse.
You will share your vision for your health and agree on a plan of action.
After your appointment
Schedule your next visit.
Refrain from alcohol consumption for the remainder of the day.
Avoid strenuous exercise/activities.
Rest and take it easy for the remainder of the day.
Follow through with treatment plan.
Expect a check-in from me within 3 days of your initial appointment.
Breathe. Smile :-)