Acupuncture & Traditional Asian Medicine
As of September 1st, 2024, The Healing Sp-ce is now located in the Westchester community of Los Angeles.
Two blocks north of LAX Int'l airport.
Providing you a space to re-balance within and heal with integrative traditional medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a 5,000 year old indigenous practice from China. It is based on the laws of nature and how we interact with nature. Differential diagnosis, pattern identification, and Yin-Yang principles are used to diagnose many conditions in a person's body. As a result, this indigenous medicine can treat most internal conditions except where surgery may be required. At The Healing Sp-ce, we perform thorough examination of each patient and provide high-quality healthcare by listening, learning, observing, and attention to detail. Our goal is to bring you to a state of health that is ultimately free of disease and in harmony with nature.